Organic Awareness Month
The importance of organic accreditation is currently being highlighted across Australia. Each September, Australian Organic Awareness Month (AOAM) shines a spotlight on choosing certified organic. Consumers are reminded of the virtues of certified organic products, and encouraged to look for the Australian Certified Organic ‘Bud’ logo (pictured left). The logo is a stamp of integrity, and widely recognised by wholesalers, retailers and consumers alike.
In Australia, the term ‘certified organic’ reflects a strict accreditation process. Not only must products themselves meet approved certification standards, but every step in the supply chain must be audited. Following successful accreditation, brands and/or businesses must be audited annually to ensure ongoing compliance.
Speaking of the nationwide attention on Australia’s certified organic products, Marinova’s Quality Manager, Dr Michelle Mendoza, said, “Marinova is dedicated to producing the highest quality fucoidan extracts on the market. Organic certification forms a critical part of this offering, and is one of the many reasons brands committed to quality and integrity continue to formulate with Marinova’s unique ingredients.”
Further information about Australian Organic Awareness Month is available on the Bud Organic website.