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Supporting marine conservation

Red handfish

Marinova is a proud supporter of numerous Tasmanian science and education initiatives. Some of these initiatives support Tasmania's threatened fauna, including Devils @ Cradle, the Tasmanian Quoll Conservation Program and the Flinders Island Wombat Fund. The company is also a Founding Partner of Friends of Bonorong, working together with other likeminded businesses to support native Tasmanian wildlife.  

Marinova has recently thrown its support behind the Handfish Conservation Project. There are 14 species of handfish, all of which are found only in southern Australia - predominantly in Tasmania. True to their name, handfish walk with their oversized ‘hands’, rather than swim. 

Red handfish are one of the rarest fish on the planet. They are critically endangered, and currently known in only two locations in Tasmania. In fact, there are now less than 100 individuals left on the planet. The Handfish Conservation Project is working hard to gather insights into their ecology and biology, and to continue a captive breeding program. Their dedicated team are tirelessly building effective collaborations between universities, government, citizen science and the public, to try to halt the decline in this iconic and unique Tasmanian marine species.

You can find out more about the Handfish Conservation Project, including joining Marinova in sponsoring a handfish, via the Handfish Conservation Project website

Image credit: The Handfish Conservation Project/Tyson Bessell

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