Acting today
to protect
A commitment to sustainability has always underpinned Marinova’s business philosophy. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world in which we live. We recognise the importance of sustainable development and social, economic and environmental harmony.
For Marinova, sustainability means protecting the future by making the right choices today. Although we adhere to the principles of the Nagoya Protocol and CITES, we believe this is just a start. Sustainability is more than just a company recycling program, or turning off the lights when everyone goes home – it is an all-encompassing principle that directs every decision that we make. Every function of our business operates on the premise that a better world is one that is fair, equitable, respectful of the environment and inclusive for future generations.

Marinova’s sustainability practices align with key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) identified by the United Nations and are outlined below. Marinova’s Sustainability and Environmental Policies are available to clients and collaborators upon request.

Good health and wellbeing
SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Quality healthcare is essential to sustainable development. Marinova is dedicated to the development and production of high purity fucoidan extracts for the betterment of human health. We are driven by a desire to manufacture products of superior quality with exceptional scientific credentials.

Gender equality
SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Marinova is a firm supporter of gender equality in the workplace. The company is proud that at least 50% of its dynamic workforce is female and that women hold key leadership roles across all facets of the business.

Affordable and clean energy
SDG 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Affordable and clean energy is essential for the future. Marinova is committed to sustainable energy use and is continuously implementing new energy-efficient practices. The company’s fucoidan extraction facilities, scientific laboratories and administrative offices are all powered by renewable energy. The utilisation of hydroelectricity and a customised state-of-the-art solar array places Marinova one step closer to being a legitimate zero-waste, carbon neutral manufacturer.

Decent work and economic growth
SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
From the very beginning, Marinova has sought to develop and implement the most efficient and economical business practices. As we have grown, so too has our determination to become the exemplar of sustainability for other biotechnology enterprises. We are continually improving the efficiency of our business, developing innovative technologies and creating new, productive uses for our waste materials. This unrelenting commitment to sustainability and high-value advanced manufacturing has seen Marinova become the global leader in fucoidan science.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation
Sustainable development and innovative infrastructure unleash dynamic competitive economic forces – facilitating international trade and supporting efficient resource use. Marinova’s proprietary fucoidan extraction technology utilises green chemistry principles to produce fucoidan compounds of unrivalled quality. Unlike traditional extraction methodologies, this proprietary process does not involve the use of solvents or other environmentally harmful chemicals. It is by virtue of this unique technology that Marinova stands alone as the world’s only manufacturer of high purity, certified organic fucoidan with global regulatory acceptance.

Responsible consumption and production
SDG 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Since the establishment of Marinova’s world-class extraction facility in 2006, the company has succeeded in diverting all seaweed residues away from unproductive landfill and into new, value-added products. Not only does Marinova capture all liquid and solid by-products of its fucoidan extraction process, it converts these into nutrient-rich organic additives for the horticultural sector. Initiatives like these epitomise Marinova’s holistic approach to sustainability and its commitment to improving the world.

Life below water
SDG 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Marinova is a fervent protector of the marine environment. Extensive research has confirmed that well managed, wild seaweeds are a rapidly renewable marine resource. Preservation of the native ecology is nonetheless paramount. Marinova only sources wild macro algae from the cleanest ocean waters and all harvesting operations are conducted in accordance with world’s best practice. All seaweeds used are harvested on an environmentally sustainable basis. We do not – and will not – source seaweeds that have been grown or farmed in those parts of the world prone to industrial or human contamination or where environmentally sustainable harvesting practices cannot be assured.